Berger Francesco Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0651
Adresa odesílatele:
6 York Street Portman Square London
Datum stanovené editorem:
23. 07. 1893
Text v originálním jazyce:
6 York Street
Portman Square
Honoured Master and dear friend,
Is there any chance of your having something new ready for our season next year? We begin in February and end in June. We would like the first performance of it in England under your own conducting, or not, just as you like.
If you cannot promise us something quite new, will you tell us where and how we can get your Triple Overture? I wrote to you last spring about this, but you never replied. I hope to be more fortunate this time.
Trusting you are well and successful, and with kindest regards I remain
Yours very sincerely
Francesco Berger
Hon[orary] Sec[retary]
dotaz po novém Dv. díle a možnosti jeho premiéry pod Dv. taktovkou, dotaz na Dv. ouvertury
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