Berger Francesco Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0652
Adresa odesílatele:
6 York Street Portman Square London
Datum stanovené editorem:
16. 01. 1894
Text v originálním jazyce:
6 York St[reet]
Portman Sq[uare]
Dear Master!
Since writing to you our plans have much matured, and I am instructed to say, it will suit our arrangements best if you can be with us on June 21-
I sincerely hope this will be possible and beg you to try and so arrange it.
Ever since last season, S[ain]t Saens has been booked to us for 7 June, which I had forgotten when I wrote to you last.
Kindly let me hear from you at once. With all profound esteem.
Yours very truly
Francesco Berger
Hon[orary] Sec[retary]
ohledně termínu koncertu
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