Burleigh Harry Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Aug. 13th 1892
Dr. Antonín Dvořák,
Dear Doctor
I want to introduce to your consideration Mr. Will M. Book, a former pupil of the great Joachim. Mr. Book has marked ability in the line of composition and desires very greatly to meet you and speak with you about his work. He has composed an opera, the principal role of which I will sing. You remember I sand Mr. Trinney’s two songs at your last concert at the Conservatory last May.
I am going away from Chicago to-day but will hear this note for you and Mr. Book will call and see you.
I sincerely trust you will listen to his work and give him your opinion.
Hoping you will be blessed with continued good health and success and that I will see you in the Conservatory next September. I have the privilege to remain yours very truly,
Harry T. Burleigh