Cowen H. Frederic Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0673
Adresa odesílatele:
Datum stanovené editorem:
08. 02. 1888
Text v originálním jazyce:
London, Feb. 8th
My dear friend,
Berger tells me that you promised if possible to give us another new Symphony for the Philharmonic concerts this season. I hope you will, as it would be a great thing for my first season + I would produce your work with every care. We should like to do it on April 19th at the 3rd concert so, if you can, it would be advisable to send me the score as soon as possible so that I may look it over well. In any case, please let me hear from you. Berger says he has written to you but has had no answer. Hoping you are well and that we may be able to announce a new work from your pen.
Believe me
Yours sincerely
Frederic H Cowen
připomíná Dv. slib složit pro Filh. koncerty symfonii, slibuje dílu velkou péči, prosí o zaslání
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