Dvořák Antonín adresát neznámý
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0274
Adresa odesílatele:
Koncept dopisu
Text v originálním jazyce:
For ten days ago I have send you the musical piece Dumka for pianoforte for your paper. As I have received no answer whether you have got it, please would you kindly inform me. I have to ask something yet. Since you have the musical pieces of mine ecquired[!]1 only for your musical paper I hope it is a matter of course that the right of property thereof for Austria and Germany will for future be in my hands. I hope to receive next your musical paper tug together with the musical piece?
Yours trully[!]2
Ant.[onín] Dvořák
- acquired
- truly
poslal adresátovi Dumky, ale nedostal žádnou odpověď
Poznámky věcné:
1. acquired
2. truly
2. truly
Psací potřeby: