Dvořák Antonín Čermáková Clara
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0271
Adresa odesílatele:
Datum stanovené editorem:
06. 07. 1900
Text v originálním jazyce:
Theodore Thomas
Musical director
Antonín Dvořák begs to introduce Ms. Klára Čermák of Chicago, who was a pupil for f[ive?] years at our conservatory in Prague. She played at the public rehearsal’s Liszt’s well known Fantasie F major. The performance of this piece was a very spirited one. Ms. Čermák played with the greatest ease and finish. I think she deserves to receive the recognition of all [good?] musical poepel[!]1
With kind regards
Truly yours
Antonín Dvořák
Prague 6/7 1900
- people
doporučení klavíristky Cl. Čermákové konzervatoři v Chicagu
Poznámky věcné:
1. Chyba - people
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