Dvořák Antonín Simrock Fritz
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0380
Adresa odesílatele:
Adresa příjemce:
171, Friedrichstrasse W Berlin
Datum stanovené editorem:
05. 07. 1886
["ADKD 2, s. 161-162"]
Korespondenční lístek
Text v originálním jazyce:
Vysoká 18 5/7 86
I shall have finished this week. But the only difficult[!]1 is [that] I can nobody find to to play it through and it is so necessery[!]2 . In according[!]3 to this I [will] go to Prague and send you my M[issa] S[olemnis] Saturday 10 ten. Are you going to Switzerland this year? And how’s[!]4 the name of the place where do you stop. I would like to know it as I am preparing a journay[!]5 for Switzerland. Could I meet you?
Good bye
A[ntonín] Dvořák
- difficulty
- necessary
- accordance
- what's
- journey
o termínu dokončení Slov. tanců, dotaz na Simr. pobyt ve Švýcarsku
Poznámky věcné:
1. Chyba - difficulty
2. Chyba - necessary
3. Chyba - accordance
4. Chyba - what's
5. Chyba - necessary
2. Chyba - necessary
3. Chyba - accordance
4. Chyba - what's
5. Chyba - necessary
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