Dvořák John E. Dvořák Antonín
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May 31st, 1894
Dr. Antonin Dvořák
My Dear Sir
I hardly know how to commence, I feel very much embarrassed in asking you to help me. I am a young man of thirty-years and have been studying very hard the last two years for the Dramatic profession. I am of poor parents and have to work to support myself and mother and every space cent I can save is spent for my education in my beloved profession. I would very much like to continue studying another year but find I can not do it. If you ever had the need of [a] friend in your ambitious young days you can appreciate my feelings far more better than I could possibly write them here.
I have the talent, the force, far more than the average person taking up the study and my teachers tell me that it is only time I require before I entirely satisfy the public.
I ask you Doctor to help me in my education. If you can please pay my tuition fees for at least one private-lesson a week. I do not want money. You can pay the Chicago Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art the sum, or you can pay my tuition fees then and I will give you a note or my word of honor that I shall repay the amount at my earliest opportunity.
If you would only do this, you don’t know how glad and happy you will make me.
I have the reputation of being a very hard worker at school and leave you to questions any of the faculty in regards to my talent and to my work.
I can give you the best of reputations, and reccomendations[!]1 as to my honesty.
Trusting, Doctor, I have not offended and hoping to receive a favorable reply
I am
Very truly yours
John E. Dvořák
℅ Chicago Public Library Chicago
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