Fillmore John Comfort Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0702
Adresa odesílatele:
Datum stanovené editorem:
11. 08. 1893
Text v originálním jazyce:
Aug. 11 1893
Hochgechter Herr
Miss Alice C. Fletcher and myself, knowing that you have some interest in native American folk-songs, desire to present you with the accompanying brochure, lately published by Harvard University. We hope you may find both the Indian Songs and the discussion of them not without interest. We should also have been glad to pay our respects to you in person, if circumstances had permitted.
Both Miss Fletcher and myself beg you to accept the assurance of our most distinguished consideration, John Comfort Fillmore
k Dv. zájmu o indiánské písně
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