Krehbiel Edward Henry Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0789 - 90
Adresa odesílatele:
152 W 105th St., New York
Datum stanovené editorem:
26. 12. 1893
Text v originálním jazyce:
152 W 105th St. N.Y. Dec 26, 1893 Dear Dr. Dvořák, Will you kindly let me know when I may have an hour of your time to look over the quartet + quintet again. Say next Friday or Saturday. I have just received two three more singular negro songs from Kentucky. I send the melodies for you to examine and would be more than delighted if you were to suggest a harmonization. Sincerely yours H.E.Krehbiel
přál by si prohlédnout Dv. kvartet a kvintet, zasílá nové černošské písně, prosí o návrh harmonizace
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