Seidl Anton Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0894
Adresa odesílatele:
38. East 62nd Str. New York
Datum stanovené editorem:
30. 10. 1896
Text v originálním jazyce:
New York Oct. 30th 1896 Dear Meister Dvořák! Will you be so kind and help me out of a dilemma? I proposed to perform at one of our early Philharmonic concerts your three Ballads for Orchestra, and now I hear nothing more of printed scores. Are they not printed already? If not, please will you lend me them, perhaps through Kovarik, if you have no faith in me! Hoping you are fresh and healthy, working with pleasure I remain yours Faithfully Anton Seidl 38. East 62nd Str[eet] In May and June I am in London With regards to [věta potržena podél levého okraje dopisu]
o úmyslu provést Dv.balady, dotaz, zda byly vytištěny
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