Stephens Ch.E. Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0914
Adresa odesílatele:
37. Howley Place, London
Datum stanovené editorem:
08. 05. 1884
Text v originálním jazyce:
37. Howley Place
[?] Hill West
May 8th 1884
Dear Herr Dvořák,
The enclosed was handed to me at St. James Hall only yesterday, and I hasten to send it on to you. Let me take this opportunity to remind you of your promise to favour us with a moment of your welcome by the Philharmonic Society, in the shape of your autograph, and to suggest that an opportunity now offers itself for the redemption of that promise, which a purpose of other matters doubtful caused you to forget.
Believe me, dear Herr Dvořák, with highest esteem,
Faithfully yours,
Charles E. Stephens
připomínka Dv.slibu Philharmonic Society
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