Stratton Stephan S. Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0920
Adresa odesílatele:
Park House, Monument Road, Birmingham, England
Datum stanovené editorem:
21. 12. 1885
Text v originálním jazyce:
Park House
Monument Road
Birmingham, England
Dec. 21, 1885
My dear Friend,
I received your letter and the ‘Autograph’ all safely. Now you are a good man, and everybody’s friend! I have not yet been able to see the ladies, and give them the souvenirs, but there is a concert next Saturday, + I shall do so then.
I am very pleased to hear of the progress of the Holy Ludmila. I shall be at the Leeds Festival, and shall see you if you are there. But are you not coming to England in the spring? Remember you are to have a holiday, + go with me to Stratford.
I send you my portrait for a “Christmas Card”, + with best wishes from us all to yourself + family for “A Happy Christmas”
I am
Always yours faithfully
Stephen S Stratton
In great haste
poděkování za autograf, těší se na Dv.příjezd k provedení Sv.Ludmily, zve jej k sobě na prázdniny, novoroč.blahopř.
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