The Jennings Geo.B.Co. Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/1094
Adresa odesílatele:
Datum stanovené editorem:
14. 03. 1895
Text v originálním jazyce:
The Geo. B. Jennings Co. “Best Editions” 76 and 78 West Fourth Street. Cincinnati, March 14, 1895 Mr. Anton Dvorak, New York City, N.Y. Dear sir: Have you an arrangement, or are you contemplating making an arrangement, of your Symphony, “Aus Den Neuen Welt,” for two pianos, eight hands? We have a musician here who has made an excellent arrangement of it and desires to know something as to whether you anticipate publishing an arrangement. If not, would you suggest that we submit to the New York agency of Simrock, Berlin, the arrangement, for publication? An early reply will oblige. Yours respectfully, The Geo B Jennings Co J.
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