Thurber Jeanette M. Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0940
Adresa odesílatele:
New York
Datum stanovené editorem:
10. 07. 1892
Text v originálním jazyce:
Dear Dr. Dvořák, In reply to your very kind letter of June. Let me say that Mr. Stanton, the secretary of the National Conservatory has written the steamship company at Bremen to communicate with you directly - so that you may be intelligently advised about everything. Do not hesitate to write them should you wish any further information. As for the Columbus contata - I do hope that you will find it convenient to write something for the 12th October. “The American Flag” which was sent to Mr. Littleton would be most appropriate. With kind regards to Madame Dvořák Yours very sincerely Jeanette M. Thurber
o zprostředkování kontaktu s lodní společností v Brémách, ohledně kompozice Americ.praporu
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