Thurber Jeanette M. Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0946
Adresa odesílatele:
New York
Datum stanovené editorem:
28. 04. 1894
Text v originálním jazyce:
April 28th 1894 My dear Dr. Dvořák, It is hereby understood and agreed that unless you receive the $7500 - due you on your salary of the present scholastic year, on or before October 6th 1894. The contract for further services as Director of the National Conservatory of Music dated April 28th 1894 may be annulled, at your pleasure. Yours very sincerely Jeanette M. Thurber Pres[ident] Witness to the signatures
finanční záležitosti
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