Thurber Jeanette M. Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/0949
Adresa odesílatele:
49 West 25th Str. New York
Datum stanovené editorem:
07. 09. 1894
Text v originálním jazyce:
Dear Dr. Dvořák I enclose the tickets, - inside staterooms- which you may be fortunate to change for outside ones, when you reach Hamburg, or through your agent in Prag[ue]. Had you attended to the manner some weeks ago - you would have had this time to choose better accommodations. This, I was advised by the North German Lloyd, to write you, but you seemed to misunderstand my letter. Mr. Kovarik called this morning and I have asked him to write you in full. You will receive balance due your salary of last year before you sail. With kind remembrances to Mrs. Dvořák and the children Yours very sincerely Jeanette M. Thurber President
rady ohledně Dv.cesty a ubytování
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