Willis John and Nelly Dvořák Antonín
Základní informace
Inventární číslo:
S 76/1016
Adresa odesílatele:
Hotel Lindenhof Schandau
Adresa příjemce:
Příbram, Boehmen
Datum stanovené editorem:
24. 06. 1889
Text v originálním jazyce:
My dear “Meister” Dvořák
We are so delighted to see in the newspaper that the good Emperor of Austria has so kindly acknowledged your great genius in conferring the Iron crown. We wish you from our inmost hearts many years of health to enjoy your new honour + earnestly hope that all your future works will establish your reputation as (that, which we have long predicted) the first composer of Europe. Kindest regards to Mrs. Dvořák + the children.
From yours very faithfully
John + Nelly Willis
Hotel Lindenhof
Schandau - Sachsau
24th. June 1889.
blahopřání k udělení vyznamenání
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